Bookmarked Bargains sale

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final_MIssMatch_CVR_LRGNotMatch_CVR_LRGYou guys, get ready to one-click your little hearts out. I’ve joined up with tons of other authors as part of a massive ebook sale, featuring more than 55 books, most of which are only $0.99 or even free! Miss Match is only $0.99 during this event, and don’t forget you can still preorder Not Your Match for only $0.99 too.

Head over to and start browsing. To make things easier, the books are separated out into genres, and there really is something for everyone. Don’t forget to sign up for the Bookmarked Bargains newsletter so you can be notified of new releases from the Indie Author Hub authors (including me!).

Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page on the Bookmarked Bargains site and fill out the rafflecopter. You could win a reader’s party pack worth $175!

What are you waiting for?