Book Review: Second Chances 101 by Donna K. Weaver

What It’s About61d+j1QvfgL._SL300_
genre: contemporary romance
Thirty-seven-year-old Francie Davis is sure her luck has changed when she lands a job on campus that will pay her tuition. But when her handsome new boss yells at her on the first day of work, Francie learns that the last person you expect to fall in love with might be the one that’s the most perfect for you.

What I Liked
5 of 5 stars
I’ve always enjoyed Donna’s books, but I think this one is my favorite. The characters in this book felt like people I knew. They were flawed and complex, with real issues and real redeeming qualities, along with their flaws. I think my favorite part of the book was actually the relationship between Rose and Francie. It added a depth to the story I thoroughly enjoyed.

The romantic tension between Alex and Francie was delicious while still being believable. I loved the boss/employee dynamic and how that influenced the story. My only complaint with this story is it ended too soon! I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to the characters or to the relationships they’d forged. Such a satisfying read (or rather, listen, since I was gifted an audio copy in exchange for my honest review).

Buy it now on Amazon or Audible!